There are multiple professions I can relate to while working as an insurance broker. We wear many hats. Reaching beyond the technical insurance components and past all the acronyms, codes, and exposure schedules, we often serve more like counselors, lawyers, experts, educators, and researchers.

However, most days I feel like Jerry Maguire. Yep! I’m talking about Tom Cruise in the 1996 movie “Jerry Maguire” where he plays a sports agent who had a moral epiphany — finding himself fiercely dedicated to his client. Remember the scene in the locker room where Jerry and his client, Rod Tidwell (played by Cuba Gooding Jr.), are discussing the best way to negotiate the pre-season contract? Jerry Maguire cares so deeply and wants so badly to get the best results for the client, but he can’t do it alone. Jerry starts pleading, “Help Me…Help You. Help me, help you. Help ME Help YOU!”

In placing insurance for my clients, I’m like Jerry.

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When you receive a bill each year for your family’s automobile insurance, do you think “Oh my gosh, why did it go up again?!” I won’t be shocked if your answer is, “Yes!”

Although vehicles depreciate in value and the cost to repair or replace vehicles is less expensive as they get older, it’s not always the vehicles that are driving those premiums. It might…just might…be the person behind the wheel. I’ll give you an easy two-word explanation why …

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A Birds-Eye View of the Top Challenges Facing the Senior Living Community

Before I dive directly into the main topic of this blog, I want to reveal an eye-opening stat, as I think it adds some weight to what I’m going to discuss. Here it is. Would you believe that 10,000 baby boomers retire each day in the U.S.? It’s true. Yes, I said 10,000…EACH…day.

Now, at some point, these individuals (whether they’re your Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Dad, Aunt, Uncle, Brother, Sister, or you, yourself) may need and/or want to move into an assisted living facility. This is why it’s so important to know what’s going on and the trends and challenges facing the senior living community.

I’ve done my best to break the topics down in an easy-to-understand format; however, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions! The specific trends/challenges I’m going to discuss (in no order of importance) are:

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